6 Simple Self-Care Ideas for Busy Moms

TiffanyCEverett Business, Self-care

Self-care is easy to place as secondary in our lives because we have so many other priorities in life such as our families, work, and life in general. But moms, we cant forget about ourselves because we have to be a well oiled working machine in order for everything else to fall in line. Im guilty myself and often have to remind myself to take time out for myself even if its an hour a day. Its important that you do you because you deserve it.

Feed your body well.

One of my favorite foods that can be eaten for breakfast or brunch is a gluten,-free, dairy free, egg-free. Salmon Bagel Beauty. (see recipe below) It is quick, easy and is scrumptious. Whats your favorite brunch food?


I have found it absolutely necessary that we do not pretend that we are on an island because we are not. In fact we were created to be fishers of men and to go out and tell the world about how god has impacted our lives. Its important to check in on other people, our friends, co-workers, loved ones, neighbors, etc. It’s not always about us, its about spreading the love of Jesus to other people as well. Joining a church gives us an opportunity to fellowship with like minded people. Who can you reconnect with today?

Move your body.

Hey, Yay, Here we go! Let’s get moving. Move that body! My favorite is pilates, as its not too fast and its not too slow and you really feel those stretches. A brisk walk is wonderful as the sun shines on your face, or maybe you have an indoor treadmill. It doesnt matter as long as you get your mody in motion.

Check in with your physician.

How many times have you cancelled that Dr. Appointment because you put some one else’s needs before yours. I know I have been there time and time again. But it’s not cool. We have to go in and make sure our bodies are well.

Look your best.

Perhaps due to COVID-19, you are in doors a lot. Thats okay. You can still wake up and do your hair, wash your face, put on something nice, and a fresh squirt of your favorite body spray or perfume. It makes you feel so much better.


Daily time meditating on the Word of God is important. It allows us to go to him with our worries, pains, stresses, heart aches, and draw closer and closer to him. It only takes a few minutes a day to sing some worship music and read a few chapters in the bible.

Grab your favorite drink.

After a long day, grab your favorite drink and relax. Because you deserve it Queen.

Salmon Bagel Beauties

I’ve eaten salmon, baked, broiled, and precooked. But I love having it in the morning or for brunch as some Gluten-Free Bagel Bread. These salmon bagel beauties were gobbled down quickly, and filled me up as well. . I loved the delicious crisp crunch the bread has on the outside, and it has a combination of soft and crunchy texture each of what I enjoyed the most. Its my first time making them and I must say they turned out pretty good.
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time5 minutes
Course: brunch
Servings: 1 person
Author: TiffanyCEverett


  • Butter Knife
  • Sharp Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Cooking pan
  • Prep bowls


  • 1 bagel
  • handful Sliced tomatoes
  • handful Cucumber
  • 1 tbsp cream cheese
  • 1 tbsp butter


  • Heat pan
  • Add butter to your sliced bagel
  • Place bagel butter side down in heated pan
  • Keep on stove for 5-10 minutes until slightly browned
  • Cut bagel in to quarters
  • Add cream cheese on each bagel quarter
  • Add slices of cucumbers on each bagel quarter
  • Add slices of tomatoes on each bagel quarter
  • Roll salmon in to cylinder shapes
  • Top the salmon on the bagel
  • Add a toothpick if desired